Yeager’s Green Drake Nymph, created by Umpqua Signature Tyer Lance Yeager, is a meticulously designed subsurface fly that imitates the robust Green Drake nymph in its pre-hatch stage. Known for its heavily weighted design and lifelike profile, this pattern excels at getting deep into feeding zones where trout aggressively target drifting nymphs before a hatch. The combination of realistic movement, segmented body, and a subtle flash makes it a deadly choice for anglers fishing clear, heavily pressured waters like the Colorado River or Pennsylvania’s famed limestone streams.
Pro Tip
Side-Seam Tumbles: Cast the nymph just outside the main current into side seams where trout often wait for dislodged insects. The weight and profile of this fly keep it in the strike zone longer.
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Hook: Umpqua C400BL or TMC 5262, sizes 10-12 Thread: Olive or brown 6/0 Tail: Brown goose biots, splayed Body: Olive dubbing with fine gold ribbing Thorax: Dark olive dubbing with a peacock herl accent Wingcase: Pearl Flashabou or dark synthetic material Bead: Gold tungsten bead, size-matched to the hook