Jigged Green Drake

Green Drake

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The Jigged Green Drake, designed by Umpqua Signature Tyer Randy Hanner, is a nymph pattern crafted specifically for fishing Green Drake hatches with subsurface techniques. Hanner’s innovative use of a jig-style hook allows this fly to ride hook-point-up, reducing snags and presenting the imitation more naturally along the bottom. Its design is weighted to sink quickly into feeding zones, making it especially effective in faster currents and deep runs. Perfect for pre-hatch conditions when trout are keyed in on Green Drake nymphs, this pattern is a staple for anglers fishing waters like the Gunnison or the Henry’s Fork.

Pro Tip

Post-Hatch Cleanup: After the hatch, fish the Jigged Green Drake in slower pools where trout may still be targeting drowned or spent nymphs. Let it drift near the bottom with occasional twitches to mimic a struggling insect.

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Hook: Umpqua XC400BL-BN Jig Hook, sizes 12-14 Thread: Olive 6/0 Bead: Gold or tungsten slotted bead, size matched to the hook Tail: Brown goose biots, splayed Body: Olive dubbing with ribbing of fine gold wire Thorax: Dark olive dubbing with a soft hackle collar Wingcase: Black or dark synthetic flash material