The Sprout Midge, created by Bob Brooks during his tenure as riverkeeper of Hot Creek in California, is a versatile emerger pattern designed to imitate emerging midges. Its parachute-style hackle and foam post allow the fly to sit low in the water, effectively mimicking an emerging midge trapped in the surface film. This design makes it particularly effective during midge hatches when trout are feeding on insects transitioning from pupae to adults.
Pro Tip
Adjusting for Emerger Depth: To mimic midges emerging just below the surface, apply floatant only to the hackle and post, allowing the body to hang slightly beneath the water
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Hook: Dai-Riki #125 Emerger Hook, sizes 18–24 Thread: Black 8/0 or 70 Denier Trailing Shuck: Black Antron yarn Post: Small cylindrical foam in white or desired color Hackle: Black dry-fly hackle Thorax: Black Superfine dubbing Body: Red Sili Worm, half a strand