The Pat’s Rubber Legs, affectionately known as the Rubber Legs Stonefly Nymph, is a legendary fly pattern designed by Idaho angler Pat Bennett in the late 20th century. Developed to mimic large stonefly nymphs, its simple yet lifelike construction made it an instant classic. The pattern’s appeal lies in its long, wiggly rubber legs, which create enticing movement even in slow currents. While it was initially crafted for the stonefly-rich rivers of the West, its effectiveness has spread globally, making it a must-have for anglers targeting trout in both freestone streams and tailwaters.
Pro Tip
Low-Light Magic: During overcast days or early morning hours, use darker variations of the pattern, such as black or coffee-colored Rubber Legs. Trout are more likely to strike at these muted, natural tones when visibility is reduced.
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Hook: Tiemco 5263, size 6-12 Thread: Black 6/0 or 8/0 Weight: Lead-free wire, wrapped underbody Body: Variegated chenille (coffee/black, black/brown, or tan/brown are popular) Legs: Spanflex or silicone rubber legs, medium, in black, brown, or speckled Head: Optional gold or black tungsten bead for added weight