The Poult Bloa

Wet Flies

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The Poult Bloa is a traditional English soft hackle fly, with its name derived from the "poult" or young grouse feathers used in its hackle, and "bloa," meaning smoky gray in dialect. This classic wet fly is particularly effective during hatches of Light Cahill or Sulphur mayflies, making it an excellent choice for fishing in late spring and early summer. Its subtle, natural appearance and lifelike movement in the water allow it to imitate a range of emerging insects, making it a versatile fly for trout fishing.

Pro Tip

Fish the Poult Bloa with a dead drift in riffles and seams or let it swing gently through slower water to mimic emerging mayflies. Pair it with a slightly heavier fly in a two-fly rig to help get it to the right depth. The soft hackle’s natural movement is most effective when the fly is allowed to drift freely in the current.

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Hook: Wet fly hook, sizes 14-16, with a down eye for traditional presentation Thread: Pale yellow or cream silk, such as Pearsall’s Gossamer, or a modern equivalent in 6/0 or 8/0 Body: Pale yellow silk or floss, wrapped smoothly to create a slim, tapered body Hackle: Blue-gray feathers from a young grouse (poult) wing, tied sparsely at the head for natural movement Head: Thread wraps finished neatly with a light coat of clear lacquer or varnish for durability and shine