The Klinkhammer was designed by Dutch angler and fly tyer Hans Van Klinken. It was created to imitate various emerging insects, particularly caddisflies and mayflies. The unique design of the Klinkhammer allows it to float half-submerged, with the hackle and thorax suspended below the waterline, resembling an emerging insect with its body partially in the surface film. It resembles a Parachute Adams, the biggest difference is a different hook shape to allow it to sit lower in the water.
Pro Tip
Try swinging the fly at the end of the drift like a wet fly, twitching the tip of your rod as you retrieve the line.
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Daiichi 1160 Klinkhammer Hook - Size 10 UNI Waxed Thread - 8/0, Olive Hareline Micro Fine Dry Fly Dub - Cream, Brown Hareline Polypropylene Floating Yarn - White Whiting Dry Fly Hackle - Light Ginger Loctite Super Glue Brush-On