The Hackle Stacker Dry Fly was designed by Bob Quigley, a legendary fly tier from Northern California, to revolutionize dry fly patterns for mayfly imitation. Known for its unique hackle-stacked design, this fly offers exceptional floatation and a natural mayfly silhouette. Its versatility allows it to imitate various mayfly species in their adult or dun stage.
Pro Tip
Use the Hackle Stacker as the lead fly in a dry-dropper rig. Attach a small nymph or emerger pattern about 18–24 inches below it to cover both surface and subsurface feeding zones.
2 Ratings
0 Reviews
Hook: TMC 100 #16-20 Thread: Uni-thread Light Cahill 8/0 Hackle: Ginger Hackle Abdomen: Pale Yellow Superfine Dubbing Thorax: PMD Superfine Dubbing Tail: Light Dun Microfibbetts Post: 6X tippet