Guides Choice Hare's Ear

Attractor Patterns

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Guides Choice Hare's Ear image


The Guide's Choice Hare's Ear pattern, hailing from Greater Yellowstone Flyfishers in Bozeman, Montana, represents a refined and enhanced version of the classic Hare's Ear. Earning its designation as the "guide's choice" is no coincidence. With the incorporation of soft hackle, this fly emerges as a lethal combination of both nymph and emerger. Its versatility extends to all Mayfly hatches, as well as Caddis and Stonefly scenarios.

Pro Tip

This is one of the best patterns out there! Use it for every hatch!

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Hook: Standard nymph hook, sizes 12–16 Bead (Optional): Gold, copper, or tungsten bead, sized to match the hook Thread: Tan or brown, 6/0 or 8/0 Tail: Pheasant tail fibers Ribbing: Gold or copper wire, fine to medium gauge Body: Natural hare’s ear dubbing (blended with a touch of sparkle if desired) Thorax: UV Ice Dub in tan, olive, or brown (or hare's ear with added sparkle) Wing Case: Pheasant tail fibers or synthetic material for added durability Soft Hackle Collar: Partridge or hen hackle