The Double Bead Head Stonefly is a modern nymph pattern designed to imitate the bulky, heavily segmented nymphs of large stoneflies like the Salmonfly. This fly originated in the Western United States, where its effectiveness was quickly recognized by guides targeting trout in fast, rocky rivers. The design features two tungsten beads for exceptional weight, ensuring it sinks quickly into deep pockets where stonefly nymphs naturally drift. A practical yet innovative pattern, the Double Bead Head Stonefly is a go-to for anglers fishing swift currents or high-water conditions
Pro Tip
On a tandem nymph rig, tie a smaller emerger pattern such as a Barr's Emerger. It's a great combo to see what fish are keying in on!
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Hook: Daiichi 1730 or Tiemco TMC 5262, Size 8-12 Thread: Black, 6/0 or 8/0 Beads: Two tungsten beads, gold or black, sized appropriately for the hook Tail: Goose biots, brown or black Ribbing: Gold or copper wire Abdomen: Dark brown or black dubbing Wing Case: Thin skin or turkey quill, coated with epoxy Thorax: Dark dubbing with rubber legs for movement Legs: Black or brown rubber legs tied at the thorax