Quill Gordon

Quill Gordon image


Overview: The Quill Gordon is one of the earliest mayflies to hatch in the spring, heralding the start of dry-fly fishing for many anglers. Named after Theodore Gordon, the father of American dry-fly fishing, this mayfly is most active in cool, clear streams in the eastern United States. Its synchronized hatches often occur in March and April, with trout eagerly feeding on both emerging and adult stages. The Quill Gordon is prized for its beauty, with a slate-gray wing and a mottled, quill-like body. Nymph Stage: Quill Gordon nymphs are clinger types, well-suited to fast, rocky streams. They measure 1/2 to 3/4 inch in length and are dark brown to olive with a streamlined, flat body. Nymph patterns tied on hook sizes 12 to 14 are effective. Fish them near the bottom using a dead drift, focusing on riffles and runs where trout actively feed on dislodged nymphs during pre-hatch periods. Emerger Stage (Subsurface): As Quill Gordons emerge, they rise to the surface quickly but can be vulnerable while shedding their nymphal shucks. Emergers have olive-brown bodies and translucent wings. Patterns tied on hook sizes 12 to 14 are ideal, especially soft hackles or emerger-style flies. Fish them just under the surface film with a lift-and-swing presentation during the early stages of the hatch. Adult Stage (Dry): Adult Quill Gordons are about 1/2 to 3/4 inch long, with mottled brown or grayish-brown bodies and slate-gray, upright wings. Dry fly imitations tied on hook sizes 12 to 14 work well, especially in moderate currents where these adults are likely to float. Use a dead drift presentation to imitate freshly emerged adults. Focus on calm riffles and pockets where trout often rise to intercept them during the afternoon hatch.

Hatch Chart

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