The Woolly Bugger, credited to fly tyer Russell Blessing in the late 1960s, is one of the most versatile and widely used fly patterns in the world. Initially designed as a variation of the Woolly Worm to mimic hellgrammites, leeches, and baitfish, its adaptability has made it a go-to fly for trout, bass, steelhead, and even saltwater species. With its undulating marabou tail and hackled body, the Woolly Bugger produces lifelike motion and visual appeal, working equally well in rivers, lakes, and stillwaters.
Pro Tip
Incorporate a Jigging Motion: Use a sinking line and retrieve with short, sharp upward strips. This creates a vertical jigging action that is especially effective for deep-holding trout or smallmouth bass.
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Hook: Mustad 9672 or Tiemco 5263, size 6 to 12 Thread: Uni-Thread, color matched Tail: Marabou, optionally with flash strands Body: Chenille, black, olive, or brown Hackle: Saddle hackle, palmered Ribbing: Fine wire, gold or copper Bead Head (optional)