Rusty Trombone

Streamers Freshwater
Bait Fish

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The Rusty Trombone is an articulated streamer pattern crafted by fly tyer Trent Tatum to mimic the movement and appearance of baitfish, making it particularly effective for targeting predatory species such as trout, bass, pike, and musky. Its sleek design, featuring marabou and a touch of flash, has proven successful across various waters, including Wyoming's North Platte River, since its rise in popularity around 2016.

Pro Tip

Swing and Jig on Windy Days: When fishing in windy conditions, position yourself downwind and let the fly swing naturally with the current. Add short rod tip lifts as it swings to mimic a baitfish darting upward, which can trigger strikes from fish waiting near ledges or underwater obstacles.

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Hook: Tiemco 5262, Size 4 Thread: Olive 110 Denier Magpie Thread Head: Large Copper Tungsten Conehead Tail: Olive Marabou Flash: Copper Flashabou Body: Copper Olive UV Polar Chenille Hackle: Olive Saddle Hackle Connection: Spider Wire Wing: Olive Marabou Collar: Olive Saddle Hackle