Red Butt Deer Hair Sculpin


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The Red Butt Deer Hair Sculpin is among the most realistic sculpin patterns on the market. Its design includes a weed guard, making it versatile for various water conditions. With its olive deer hair and distinctive red butt, this fly attracts even the most lethargic trout, making it irresistible to big fish.

Pro Tip

Use a Drag-Free Drift: Present the Red Butt Deer Hair Sculpin on a tight line in swift currents. By avoiding unnatural drag, the fly imitates a sculpin tumbling helplessly in the flow, a presentation that is irresistible to opportunistic trout.

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Hook: Mustad R74-9672, size 2 to 6 Thread: Danville’s Flat Waxed Nylon, black or olive Tail: Red rabbit strip or synthetic dubbing for the "butt" Body: Spun and clipped deer hair, olive or brown Underbody: Lead wraps (optional for weight) Collar: Brown or olive schlappen hackle Eyes: Weighted dumbbell eyes, small or medium