Parachute Damsel


3.8 / 5

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Parachute Damsel image


The Parachute Damsel, developed by Gary Borger and Bob Pelzl. This realistic dry pattern floats well and sits low in the water to create a silhouette fish cannot resist. This pattern works well as a Dragon fly imitation as well.

Pro Tip

When fishing the Parachute Damsel, cast the fly near submerged vegetation or along the edges of weed beds, as these are areas where adult damsel flies are often found. A slow, steady retrieve can help mimic the natural movement of the damsel fly, increasing the likelihood of attracting trout.

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Hook: Size 12-16 dry fly hook Thread: Blue 70-denier UTC Ultra Thread Tail: Light blue and dark blue macrame yarn Body: Blue superfine dubbing Wing Case: Blue 2mm thin foam Hackle: Grizzly rooster saddle hackle