The Hendrickson Light Wet is a traditional soft hackle fly tied to mimic the drowned or emerging forms of the Ephemerella subvaria during the Hendrickson hatch. Originating as a companion to the classic Hendrickson dry fly, this pattern is ideal for trout feeding just below the surface on drifting emergers or spent insects. The light variant, often representing the female, features subdued tones and flowing hackle fibers, which provide lifelike movement in the water
Pro Tip
Fish it during emergence lulls: Drift the Hendrickson Light Wet across shallow riffles where emerging insects are vulnerable. Trout often target drowned or partially hatched mayflies before duns fully emerge.
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Hook: Mustad R70 or Tiemco 3769, Size 12-16 Thread: Light pink or cream, 8/0 Tail: Light dun hen hackle fibers Body: Light pink or tan floss or dubbing Ribbing: Fine gold wire (optional) Thorax: Light tan or pink dubbing Hackle: Light dun soft hen hackle