The Juju Bee Midge, A simple yet deadly little subsurface pattern created by renowned fly tyer Charlie Craven. This fly will tempt even the most stubborn trout. Use it in smaller sizes 18-22. Black and red are the most productive colors.
Pro Tip
Add flotant on the tippet up to the fly (Not on the fly). It will rise slowly up the water column as an emerger.
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Hook: Tiemco TMC 2487 or Daiichi 1120, sizes 18-24 Thread: UTC 70 Denier in color matching the midge (black, olive, or red) Body: Superfine wire or micro tubing, alternating colors (black and silver, red and gold, etc.) Thorax: Peacock herl or fine dubbing matching body color Wingcase: White Antron or Z-Lon Head: Thread build-up or tungsten bead for added weight