The Hotwire Prince Nymph, developed by Umpqua Signature Tyer Greg Garcia, is a modern adaptation of the classic Prince Nymph, incorporating wire-wrapped bodies for added weight and flash. This design enhances its effectiveness in imitating stonefly and mayfly nymphs, making it a versatile attractor pattern. The use of colored wire not only increases durability but also allows for variations that can be tailored to specific fishing conditions.
Pro Tip
Versatile Rigging: Fish the Hotwire Prince as a dropper below a dry fly or in tandem with other nymphs to cover multiple water columns and increase chances of enticing trout.
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Hook: Tiemco TMC 5262, sizes 10–16 Bead: Gold bead, brass or tungsten, sized to hook Thread: Red Ultra Thread 6/0 or 8/0 Tail: Brown goose biots Body: Medium Ultra Wire in two contrasting colors (e.g., chartreuse and copper) Thorax: Peacock Ice Dub Legs: Brown hen hackle fibers Wing: White goose biots