Hare's Ear Soft Hackle

Wet Flies

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The Hare's Ear Soft Hackle is a versatile wet fly pattern designed to imitate a wide range of aquatic insects, including mayfly nymphs, caddis pupae, and emerging insects. This variation of the classic Hare’s Ear nymph adds soft hackle, providing lifelike movement that mimics an insect struggling in the water column. The buggy texture and subtle flash of the hare’s ear dubbing make it particularly effective in both rivers and stillwaters. It’s an excellent choice for fishing subsurface during hatches or as a general attractor pattern. Hook size 12-18

Pro Tip

Fish the Hare's Ear Soft Hackle on a dead drift, allowing it to sink and swing at the end of the drift to imitate an emerging insect. Use it as part of a two-fly rig or pair it with a heavier nymph to keep it in the strike zone. Adjust the color of the dubbing to match local insect activity, such as olive for caddis or tan for mayflies.

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Hook: Wet fly or nymph hook, sizes 12-18 Thread: Brown, tan, or olive, 6/0 or 8/0 Body: Hare’s ear dubbing, lightly tapered and buggy Ribbing: Fine gold or copper wire for durability and segmentation Hackle: Partridge or soft hen hackle, tied sparsely for lifelike movement Head: Thread wraps, optionally finished with a coat of lacquer for durability