Film Critic


4 / 5

(0 Reviews)

Film Critic image


The Film Critic, designed by Bob Quigley, is an emerger pattern that effectively imitates mayflies at their most vulnerable stage—emerging from nymph to dun. Its design allows the body to hang below the surface film, while the hackle and forward-tilted wing simulate a dun's ready-for-flight profile, making it particularly effective in fooling selective trout feeding on emergers.

Pro Tip

Add a dropper fly 6-9” below, the RS2 works well in smaller sizes to catch trout feeding on emergers as well.

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Hook: Size 14 Thread: Uni-Thread in 8/0 Olive Dun Shuck: Antron Yarn in Gold/Tan Tail: Hareline Coq De Leon Medium Speckled Body: Hareline Turkey Biot Quill BWO Post: EP Fiber in White