The Crystal Midge Emerger is the same as a Black Beauty Emerger with a bead head for added weight. It’s a great winter fishing pattern when trout are selectively feeding on midge emergers. This pattern is designed to imitate the translucent and shiny appearance of midge pupae as they ascend to the water's surface to hatch.
Pro Tip
Subsurface Drift: Fish the Crystal Midge just below the surface film during midge hatches. Use a light tippet (6X or 7X) and present the fly with a dead drift to mimic the natural ascent of emerging midges.
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Hook: Mustad C49S, sizes 16–22 Thread: Black 8/0 or 70 Denier Body: Black thread or fine dubbing Ribbing: Fine silver wire Wing: Pearl Krystal Flash Thorax: Black Ice Dubbing Bead: Optional silver tungsten bead for added weight